Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Call

After I received the revelation that I need to serve a mission, I met with my bishop and began working on my papers. Everything went very quickly, thankfully, because I only had about a month to get it all done before I was moving to Provo to attend college. I finished some additional medical requirements after moving, and got everything submitted to my stake back home. Two weeks later, I drove home for the weekend so that I could meet with my stake president. Then only one week after that, my call was assigned! It was being sent to my home in St. George, so I was planning to go down that weekend to open it with my family, but it didn't come. Then surprisingly on Monday morning (September 21), there it was in the mail. I was already planning a trip to Wyoming with my roommates that weekend though, so I ended up having to wait until the next weekend to finally drive down and open it. I waited a total of 10 days after my family had received it in the mail to finally open my call! Those 10 days were killer for my family..me not so much. I was content with my choice to go, and knew that wherever I was sent, that is where I am suppose to go. And like they say, "out of sight, out of mind." Well, almost. My dad insisted on sending me daily pictures of it to make sure that I hadn't forgotten about it.

On Thursday, October 1st, Makelle (my best friend and roommate) and I drove down (deciding to miss our Friday classes the next day) and I was finally able to open my call at 8:00 that night.

I had so many sweet friends who still live in St. George come to support me and watch me open my call. It was great to see them! My roommates were on speakerphone, and my good friend Jordyn FaceTimed us during her break at work. It all meant so much to me!

"Dear Sister Bonzo:
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the ITALY ROME MISSION...You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, February 3, 2016. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Italian language."

As soon as I read those words: "Italy Rome Mission," I was instantly filled with an overwhelming sense of joy. I could not stop smiling for the rest of the night! I would have never guessed that I'd be going to Italy, but I know that that is exactly where I am meant to go.

Some of the best people around:

I grew up with these kids..Sunset 5th Ward Dream Team

Love Always, {soon to be} Sorella Bonzo

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Called To Serve

A mission was not in my plan. The "missionary age change" came about when I was a sophomore in high school. After that, people began to ask me if I was planning to serve. I would tell them that "if that is what God wants me to do, then I'll do it" and just left it at that. Throughout my senior year of high school, I prayed to Heavenly Father, asking if a mission was in His plan for me. I didn't seem to be getting answers, but I wasn't praying very fervently either. As my senior year came to an end, I decided that I'd just head to college and figure it out from there. (I wouldn't turn 19 until January so I planned to finish a semester of college regardless of my choice to serve a mission or not.) I did keep praying though, because although I didn't think that a mission was in God's plan for me, I wanted to be sure.

On July 8, 2015, I attended our final Seminary Council activity (I had served on my high school's seminary council that year.) As all of the guys had mission calls, that was the obvious topic of discussion for the day. I was talking to the girls and two of them had already started working on their papers although their birthdays are both in February. That made me realize that I should probably start thinking more seriously about this and make the decision now. I also had had a dream the night before that I had received and was opening my mission call, so missions were on my mind that entire day.

When I got home, I could not get the thought of a mission out of my head. I prayed...nothing came. I began to write in my journal about all of the concerns and worries I had about going-
[taken from my journal]
"I have been thinking  about going on a mission a lot lately. I am still not set on either going or not, but it is coming up soon. I always said that I'd decide when I got to that point in life, but I'm here now and still have no idea-That's not true..I kind of have an idea, but I don't want to make any final decisions [without knowing for sure]...It's terrible to say this, but one of the biggest things that is holding me back from going is that I don't want to put my life on hold. It'd be really inconvenient. I know, that's a terrible reason. But I think that it'd be hard to only do a semester of school- then as soon as I've got it figured out leave. And have to start all over again when I got back. Also, it'd be hard because I have a contract for my housing that goes until next spring so I'd have to sell that-which is ify. And I'm excited to room with Makelle and if I sell my contract I'd feel bad because she'd have to have a new roommate. I'm also scared that everyone will kind of move on with their lives and I won't be apart of them anymore. And I'd be 3 semesters behind in school. These are all stupid reasons, I know, but these things do concern me. I think the biggest thing for me though, is I don't want to go on a mission just because everyone else is. If I knew for a fact that that is what I am supposed to do, then I would do it without question because I do want to go. Unfortunately, either I have a hard time hearing the spirit, or God wants me to work to get my answer, or he's leaving it up to me to decide."
After I wrote those words, "I became overwhelmed with the spirit...I stopped writing, got down on my knees, and started praying, asking if this was my answer. I then looked on the floor next to me and saw a little piece of paper that must have dropped out of my journal. It was small, simple, and maybe 3 sentences long testimony of Jesus Christ [that I wrote over a year ago.]"
I had never received a revelation so clearly in my life. I know that this experience was a definite answer to my prayers. That I need to share my testimony of our savior with those who do not know him. Hopefully I can share His love, and bring some of His light into their lives.

Looking back, there were a lot of times when I felt the spirit in seminary, at a fireside, during church, or when I was studying my scriptures and I'd immediately start thinking about going on a mission. Thinking about it now, there has been so many little things that have pointed me in this direction, I was just too stubborn and oblivious to see it at the time. God knew that I wasn't getting it. He finally had to blatantly point it out to me for me to understand. I am grateful that He did that, because now I have no doubt in my mind that this is His plan for me.

Sometimes I have thoughts that creep into my mind making me want to stay home because honestly, I love my life right now. I get to share a room with my best friend!, I have awesome roommates, and I'll be leaving a lot of amazing people behind. Whenever I am hanging out with friends I begin to realize how much I am going miss it all. After feeling these things for a week or so, I attended my institute class where I was reminded of an amazing principle: if you have doubts, go back to the initial feelings or promptings you felt, and rely on that. So when I get these feelings, I just think about that night back in July, and I realize that this choice will bring me unimaginable joy and is exactly what I should be doing in my life right now.

Love Always,
(soon to be) Sorella Bonzo