Monday, May 29, 2017

For after much tribulation come the blessings

This week we did lots and lots of finding. We didn't see very much success unfortunately. We met some really cool people but none of them wanted to give us their numbers.. they did the whole: yeah, we're always here, if you see us again we'd be down to talk for sure. 
We working to help our less-active members as well and hoping to help them grow their testimonies of the Book of Mormon in order to remember what's most important in life. 
We had some appointments set up with new investigators but then they didn't answer when we went over so that was sad. 

Precious is doing really well. She wants to go on a mission! 

On Saturday our members that we were going to see cancelled on us so we went out finding all morning in all of the parks. We talked to lots of families but they're all "too busy" for us unfortunately. We went through all of the parks without any luck then went to lungomare... still nothing. Then as I was seriously about to give up for the morning because it was almost time for lunch, I went up to one more family and asked if we could show them our video....the man just stared at I proceeded to tell them who we were and he goes "I know who you are.. one of you called me a month ago." We realized that he was a potential that we called when we were going through our phone. He invited us to come to his gym but we couldn't ever find it then we gave the number to the elder and I don't really know what happened after that. We talked for a bit and he said that he's been taught by the missionaries in the past. He stood up and was probably the tallest man I've ever seen! He played professional basketball and now owns a gym and trains people. He explained where we could find it so next week we'll try to see him and hope for the best! He was super nice and even said that our elders can come and play at his courts whenever they want. 

We also had a tall evangelist guy who walked up and stopped us and just went off about all of these scriptures and whatnot and it was pretty strange. He invited us to his church and we invited him to ours. He said he is convinced in what he believes in and we said that so are we. That experience helped me realize that I can't just walk up to people and start telling them about all of this crazy stuff like a robot. When we find (and teach) we need to ask questions and listen to be able to really help these people. I remember a quote that I heard in the MTC that I've always loved "instead of dispensers of information, we need to be offered a of salvation." 
We went to a less active member's house that night and took our high councilman with us. He's from Taranto and came in for church the next day and wanted to help with missionary work because he's also the ward mission leader in Taranto. It went really well and he even helped us to understand her needs better. 

Sunday we had a lesson with our friends who own the new pizzeria by our house. It was a little weird because she has some strange beliefs about reincarnation and such. She's reading the Book of Mormon and praying though. She opened up the Book that day and in ether 12 which really helped her a ton that day.  I don't know if she understands everything about the restoration and such and getting her answer rather than these meetings just being a good thing for her but hopefully we'll get her there. 

That night we were doing some more finding..haha of course..and sorella Zapata felt like we should stop by and see a member that was in that area. We went to her house and she was putting African braids into this 16 year old Italian girl's hair. This girl's 18 year old sister was there too. We started talking to them (because they obviously couldn't go anywhere) and actually had a great conversation. They were super interested to know what we believe in. The older sister told us that she doesn't want to even know what happens after death or try to find out because it gives her anxiety. Usually I don't really know what to say to people when they tell me that they don't care to know but I just said, "but i think that if you knew you'd find more peace rather than anxiety." She goes, "you know, I think you're right." We asked if they'd like to know and they said that they would. By then we had to go but we exchanged numbers. They're very promising, I said that I'd call them tomorrow and they told us that they'll wait for our call. We're praying that we can start teaching these two curious girls who are the golden age to accept the gospel. That was probably my biggest miracle for the week. 

I read this scripture last night and it helped me a tons, maybe one of you needs it too! 

D&C 58:2 For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven.
3 Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation.
4 For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand.
5 Remember this, which I tell you before, that you may lay it to heart, and receive that which is to follow.

Have a good week! I love you! 

We took a hick picture last week 

Gelato after lots of finding! 

Anziano lamereux's first calzone 

I love Africans so much. 

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